In the 1980's MATTEL continued to introduce new series. Series were themed Super Heroes, Fanciful Demonic Creatures (DEMONS), Work Class and Rescue Vehicles. Wheel types were used as the basis for particular series such as the ULTRA HOTS released in 1984, Billed as the fastest HOT WHEELS ever, While the REAL RIDERS released in 1983 had rubber tires. The Real Riders were well suited for the sand box. In 1983 Hot Wheels celebrated there 15th. anniversary and offered an anniversary package containing three vehicles and a 15th. Birthday Belt Buckle. Included in the anniversary pack was a close remake of the 1968 CUSTOM CAMARO, Having a metallic Lime Green body, Black roof and Black-Wall Basic Wheels.
Turbo Mustang
Series # 80-1125-2
Produced in: 1980
Greyhound MC-8
Series # 80-1127-2
Produced in: 1980
40s Woodie
Series # 80-1131-2
Produced in: 1980
Split Window 63
Series # 80-1136-2
Produced in: 1980
Split Window 63
Series # 80-1136-2
Produced in: 1980